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Intelligent Coring System

CoreAll's patented Intelligent Coring System ICS is a modular, fully instrumented core drilling assembly. The system features high performance electrical connections, power generation, data processing and storage, and two-way data communication to surface. 

Logging While Coring

The Logging While Coring LWC module provides essential real-time logging information of the core as it enters the core barrel, enabling drillers and geologists to optimize the coring process by evaluating the core in real-time. Sensors include Gamma Ray, Core resistivity, temperature, vibrations, inclination, and inner barrel stall detection.

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The CoDril module allows the operator to switch between coring mode and drilling mode in real time. Drill down to the core point and convert to coring without tripping, save one trip. Cut the core and convert back to drilling to continue without tripping. One trip is saved every time the drilling function of the CoDril™ is activated or deactivated. 

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The eXRES R&D project is in the Field Prototype assembly phase. The eXRES will use Electromagnetic Wave Resistivity technology to measure formation resistivity continuously in both drilling and coring modes, in any fluid type. With continuous Gamma Ray and Formation Resistivity measurements in real-time, the operator is able to decide when to start coring and when to stop coring on the fly and maximize the benefit of CoDril™.

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